Is a heavy workload leaving you constantly overwhelmed?

I help women stressed out in their 9-5 get more done, in less time, so they can get back in the driver’s seat and start living a life they love.

Tell me a little about yourself:

  • Are you overwhelmed and exhausted…most of the time?

  • Do you long to feel like you have control over how many hours you spend chasing career success?

  • Do you wish you could love showing up for your job instead of just feeling constant dread?

  • Do you want more from your life but you’re not even sure what that means or looks like?

I’ve been there too, my friend.

Hi, I’m Kara.

I’m a former workaholic turned time-management expert.

After years of letting work overflow into every nook and cranny while battling anxiety over a never ending to-do list…

I now bring the best of my time management and productivity know-how to help high-achieving women like you get more done in less time, so you can get back to building the life of your dreams.

Which time management mistake is causing your 9 to 5 stress?

  • Quiz Clock

    Take the quiz and find out!

    You’ll get personalized recommendations to help you with your biggest time management struggles. FREE!

How I Can Help

  • Course Laptop

    Never Work Overtime Again Course

    Take the course on a Sunday afternoon. Show up Monday morning, confident, stress-free, and ready to tackle the week.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    1:1 Coaching

    Let’s work together so you can finally make time for what matters, tackle that to-do list once and for all, and stop feeling guilty about saying ‘no’.

  • Speaking Session

    Hire Me to Speak

    Is your team overwhelmed and struggling to keep up with their workload? Let me help them remove their time crunch so they can feel excited to show up to work again.

The Blog

Improve your time management skills, discover productivity hacks, crush your goals, or find an excuse to procrastinate for the next 5 minutes. There’s something for everyone!

Let’s Be Friends

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